We materialistic people works whole day to make our life easy and smooth. The lesion has taught to us from day 1 of our academic education and by parents at home (at least in INDIAN middle class family). However, the question is what is purpose of life?
Let us discuss the purpose of life in the light of Indian
Vedanta and scriptures. Vedanta is saying that there are four purposes of human
life. So, life seeks those four things. We will define those four purposes in Vedic
view and we will try to understand the literal meaning of those.
1) Kama - The word literally mean “Desire”. It may
bring pleasure in life immediately. Say for example, my aim is to get good job
in good MNC and when I get it, I am very happy. I have fulfilled my Kama. However,
keep in mind that, this kind of enjoyment last least in life. Once my kama
finished the happiness goes off. It bases on intension and closer to personal
2) Artha – Literal meaning of Artha is “Engagement”.
The job/work which you really love to do it. It’s not important that it will
give you pleasure immediately but surely at certain time. The profound example
of Artha might goes like this , You like to help people or like to teach poor
children in your free time. It may not give in time pleasure during your job
but you will feel happiness when you will think about it, after many days. So may
bring certain meaning in your life. You will feel more happiness than “kama”
3) Dharma – This is very much closure to meaningful
life. It teaches the meaning of life. Now people may think this in different
prospective. Someone may think that I will dedicate my entire life for because
of other’s goodness, where someone may not.
Now, the point to say in this context is
that, all those three are for your happiness. When I get something you fulfill
your desire(Kama), you are happy for some moment. When you find Artha in your
life you are more happier than the first one, I mean happiness will last longer
than “Kama”. When you find meaning f your life (Dharma) ,you are even more
happy than “Artha”.
4) Moksha – To know “Who am I?” and by knowing this
you happy entire your life.
In this article we will try to understand the concept of who
am I by going through a sloka of Sankaracharya who is famous commentator of
Advaita Vedanta. The title of the sloka is “Drg Dresya Viveka”. Let’s
understand the title at first, the meaning of those 3 Sanskrit words are.
Drg : Witness/Viewer or one who seen
Drisya : Form/View/ Scenario / Known
Viveka: Separation / Discrimination
To understand the real meaning of this sloka, you have to
follow it by only reading it’s not possible. You have to practice this.
Ok, here is very very important point to remember before going
to sloka.
1) Viewer and View must be different: It is in obvious
reason. Say for example, I am seeing one car in street. So, car and I am separate.
2) View might be in different form but viewer is
one. Again, this is very simple to follow. There might be 10 different cars in
road but I am the same.
So, we will keep those points in mind during our journey.
Here is the sloka in Sanskrit. The first line is
Rupam Drisham ,
lochonom drk
Meaning of this line
is : Rupam, means Forms or objects. Drisham ,means scenario. So the meaning of “Rupam
Drisham” is objects are making scenario. Meaning of “lochonom” is eye and
meaning of “drk” is witness. So the meaning of whole line is : Objects are
forming scenario and my eyes are witness of this.
Now, apply the first rule on this. Viewer and view must be
different. Ok, the objects are different from my eyes. Therefore, my eyes are
the knower and forms are known. Here is next line.
Tad Drishram
Meaning of this line is : “Tad” means That. Meaning is “Drishram”
is view. The word “Driktumanasam” implies your mind. So, meaning of whole line
is “Your mind is witness of your eyes”. And the discussion is very simple and
easy to follow. When we see very nice sight, we became happy I mean our mind
became happy. When we watch something sorrowful, we feel sad in our mind. That
is why it’s saying that our mind is witness of our eyes.
And again , here is first principal holds. Viewer and view
must be different. Therefore, our mind is different from our eyes.
Meaning of “Drishodhibrittoyo” is Changing of mind and the
meaning of “sakshi” is Viewer. So, something is there who is seeing my mind.
We have to understand this section pretty well. Something/someone
is there who is (sakshi) seeing my mind ! Who is seeing my mind? Who is “Sakshi”?
I am seeing my mind. Because I know when my mind is happy, I know when my mind
is unhappy; I know when my mind is in stress.
So, I am the witness
of my mind and by applying first rule I and my mind are different. If I, and my
mind are different. Then where is “I” in my body?
So, the Idea at the end of this line is , You are not Forms,
you are not objects, you are not eyes , you are not mind but you are something
who is seeing your mind and you physically detached to your mind.
Now, Idea comes like this. If you think, “I am happy” then
you are not happy! You are the viewer of your happy mind. If you think that you
are in sorrow, then you are not in sorrow! You are the viewer of your sorrowful
And the sloka ends like this.
Dreg e banatu
Meaning of this whole line is “The sakshi is never known”.
So, there is nothing which is seeing You. The complete darkness.
So, whole process culminates that there is one sub-conscious
mind which is viewing your mind and that is who you are!
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