Monday, July 21, 2014

Various mock setups using Moq Framework

In this article we will understand various mocking setup using Moq framework.  Basically those setup will help in time of unit testing in application.
If you are bit experience in unit testing then probably you are aware from those concepts, we know that mocking is one operation where we mimic the original operation with our custom or fake operation.  In time of application development, we now and then see that one component is dependent on another component and we cannot wait till the completion of dependent object.
In this situation, concept of mocking comes into picture. The mock object will mimic the original object, so that we can carry one the development process.
There are many mocking frameworks in market which we can use in time of mock object creation. Moq is one of them. It is free and simple to use. In this article we will use Moq as mocking framework. In time of mock setup there might be different situation which need to implement in time unit test configuration. In this example we will understand few important setup of Moq framework.    

At first, give the reference of Moq framework to your application. Once you give the reference, it will show in reference folder of solution, just like below.
So, let’s start with the first configuration.

Returns statement to return value
We can setup the expected return value to a function. In this example we will setup Hello() function using mock object and then we will setup , after execution of Hello() function it will return “true” always. Here, true is primitive type value, in need we can return our custom complex type too. Please notice that we have declared Hello() function as virtual, because Moq demands that . The function should defined as virtual when we are going to mock a concrete implementation. Have a look on below code.

namespace TestMVC
    public class TestClass
        public virtual Boolean Hello()
            throw new Exception();

    public class MVCUnitTest
        public void MockAlways()
            var mock = new Mock<TestClass>();
            mock.Setup(x => x.Hello()).Returns(true);
            Assert.AreEqual(mock.Object.Hello(), true);

Perform certain task after execution of certain function
This is another very important setup, sometime it’s needed to perform certain operation after completion of some operation or after execution of some function. For example, we want to count the number of times of a function execution and depending on times we will make decisions.  In this situation we can setup callback() in time of mock. Here is sample example.

    public class MVCUnitTest
        public void MockAlways()
            string status = "";
            var mock = new Mock<Service>();
            mock.Setup(x => x.CallService()).Returns(true).Callback(() => {
                //Do some other stuff
                status = "FunctionCalled";

            var consumer = new ServiceConsumer(mock.Object);
            Assert.AreEqual(consumer.Execute(), true);
            if (status == "FunctionCalled")
                //perform other task when finish the first

Once it complete the execution of  CallService() function, immediately it will execute callback and perform some other operation, In this example just we are setting some variable value and it might check farther to take decisions in other steps.

Return multiple values sequentially from mocked function
This is another important setup where the mocked function (I mean the function setup associated with mock object) will return different value per each call. Here is simple implementation.

using System;
using ConsoleApp;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Moq;
using ConsoleApp;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace TestMVC

    public class TestClass
        public virtual Boolean ReturnSequence()
            throw new Exception();

    public class MVCUnitTest
        public void MockAlways()
            var mock = new Mock<TestClass>();
            //First Return True then false
            mock.SetupSequence(x => x.ReturnSequence())
            Assert.AreEqual(mock.Object.ReturnSequence(), true);
            Assert.AreEqual(mock.Object.ReturnSequence(), false);


In this example we have used multiple Returns() statements and at the first time it will return true and in next time it will return false. Here is output and we are seeing that the test is getting pass , as we expected in Assert.

Throws exception in second time
There might be certain situation where we want such a configuration when at the first time, the mocked function will return a value but in call of second time it will throw exception.  In this example the function will return true at first time and in second call it will throw exception.

namespace TestMVC

    public class TestClass
        public virtual Boolean Function()
            throw new Exception();

    public class MVCUnitTest
        public void MockAlways()
            var mock = new Mock<TestClass>();
            //First Return True then Throws exception
            mock.SetupSequence(x => x.Function())
                .Throws(new Exception());

            Assert.AreEqual(mock.Object.Function(), true);
            Assert.AreEqual(mock.Object.Function(), true);


We are seeing that it is throwing exception in second call.

CallBase() to call original implementation

This setup is helpful when we want to call the original function rather than mocked function. In this example , Function() is not mocked, just we are calling the original function with the help of CallBase(). As we throwing exception from Function() intentionally , the test should throw exception.

namespace TestMVC
    public class TestClass
        public virtual Boolean Function()
            throw new Exception();

    public class MVCUnitTest
        public void MockAlways()
            var mock = new Mock<TestClass>();
            mock.CallBase = true;

            mock.SetupSequence(x => x.Function()).CallBase();

            Assert.AreEqual(mock.Object.Function(), true);


And it’s throwing exception from Function().

Mock Generic class
The mocking mechanism of generic class is just like the normal class mocking, have a look on below example.

    public class Hello
    public class TestClass <T> where T : class
        public virtual Boolean Function()
            throw new Exception();
    public class MVCUnitTest
        public void MockAlways()
            var mock = new Mock<TestClass<Hello>>();
            mock.SetupSequence(x => x.Function()).Returns(true);
            Assert.AreEqual(mock.Object.Function(), true);

Border line:
In this article we have learned few important mock setups using Moq framework. In my next article I am planning to explore mock in depth. 

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