We of us know that Attribute Routing has introduced to
enhance flexibility of routing in ASP.NET MVC. So, here is my ItemController
which marked as “Item” using routeprefix attribute and GetItem(int Id) action
is decorated using Route attribute. So, to invoke
GetItem, the route is
public class ItemController : Controller
public void
GetItem(int Id)
Now, let’s think some situation where we want to override
behavior of RoutePrefix. We have defined GetItemInfo() action with Route
attribute prefixed by “~/” which implies that we need to specify “Item” to
invoke the action. So, the route to access GetItemInfo() is
public class ItemController : Controller
public void
GetItemInfo(int Id)
Set Global Default Route
We know that, in time of
route initialization in config file we can specify default route. Here is
another way to implement same. Just specify “~/” in any action to mark the
action as default action.
So Route to access
GetItemInfo() is : /
public class ItemController : Controller
public void
Now, What if we mark
more than one action as default action? You will experience following
Default route to specific RoutePrefix
If we place Empty string(“”) to some action, it will
mark as default route for that RoutePrefix. So, In following example
GetItemInfo() is default route under “Item” RoutePrefix.
to Invoke GetItemInfo() the route is “/Item”
public class ItemController : Controller
public void
Here is another way to set default route.
public class ItemController : Controller
public void
Route matching by pattern
Using attribute routing, we can pick route
by pattern. Now, all routes ended with “info” suffix will map to GetItemInfo()
action. So, one sample route could be “/Item/anyinfo”
public class ItemController : Controller
public void GetItemInfo()
Set priority to route
We know that if there are multiple action
mapping to same route, we will get exception. To get rid of from this
situation, we can specify “Order”. In following example we specified Order in “Route”
attribute to action. The route “Item/get/id” is mapping to both GetItemInfo()
and GetAnotherItemInfo().
public class ItemController : Controller
[Route("get/{id}", Order =0)]
public void GetItemInfo(int Id)
[Route("get/{id}", Order = 1)]
public void GetAnotherItemInfo(int Id)
If we do not specify “Order”
it will throw this exception.
MVC, register low order route value at first, we Once
we go with “item/get/1” it will hit GetItemInfo() action.